We have officially reached 100 MEMBERS!

Hey all :slight_smile:

It has taken us some time, 9 months in fact (building a community is always slow in the beginning), but we have now officially hit reached 100 members today! Triple digits!!! :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada:

I’m super proud. We’re shaping up to be a fantastic community.

I hope you all feel supported and valued.

Not all of the 100 members that have joined have posted. The analytics show that we actually have quite a few very regular lurkers on the platform.

If this is you, please don’t hesitate to introduce yourself to the platform. The more the merrier, honestly.

You’ll see that we have a very postive platform here. I haven’t needed to moderate any negative behaviours. Obviously good eggs attract good eggs haha. Most of the people on the platform are from pure word of mouth. Other than a few of our initial members which I invited to join personally, the rest have come from word of mouth.

A member (you know who you are :wink: ) privately informed me recently that she reccomended our platform to someone on a NDIS facebook group and she was banned from the group for doing so. She told me she had a good laugh about it, which is good. There’s suprisingly a lot of volatile ndis facebook groups out there. Its always suprising to me as I always felt that this industry would attract caring people. However, it can actually be pretty cut throat. The point I’m trying to make is that there has been none of that here. I haven’t had to moderate or police the platform which is very nice. We genuinely have a a fantastic group of people who reside within this community. So please, if you are a lurker, don’t be afraid to contribute to the diversity here.

Congrats to hitting 100 members! If you know anyone you feel could benefit from the support our platform can offer, please reccomend us. We are at a disadvantage being that we aren’t on facebook and aren’t as easily accessible, but we feel the layout of our forum lends itself to a much better experience for our community in terms of sourcing the info they need. We truely do enjoy to helping our members… so does our community.

Lets make it a goal to hit 200 members in under 9 months. Lets see if we can do it in 5!!! If everyone here referred 1 person, we’d hit our goal pretty quickly. The more people we have, the more knowledge and experience we have on the platform, the better the support that we can provider each other :slight_smile:

Big milestone! I have thouroughly enjoyed being a part of this community. Specifically process of helping others. Its made me realise that I may possibly want to pursue a career in this industry while being a participant myself.

Its a bit obsessive at this point, but when I first wake up in the morning, while still laying in bed, I check for any new posts where people require assistance.

I’ve made friends. Its kind of my new social media.

Thanks for creating a great space Jake.

Awww you big softie haha.

I’d be stuffed without you responding to people so fast on here. So thankyou for all the assistance you have given over the last 9 months with regards to your contributions. You really do give so much here.

Very nice. Congratulations on hitting triple digits. Yeah, Michael’s a speed demon! He responds so fast to people. It’s defintiely a great place to be. I also try to assist as much as possible.

100 members! PNP has hit the BIG TIME haha!!! This place is awesome! I told a family friend about PNP and they said they’d check it out. I’m not sure if they created an account or not, but I definitely have no hesitation forwarding people to such a laid back, positive community.

Wow, feels like only yesterday that this place only had a few members. I’m sure the next 100 will come faster. I was only telling someone about the forum a few weeks ago. She has a child with autism and asked me if I knew any good NDIS support groups. I told her about this website and all the nice people who are here.

I’m proud I can say that I was one of the first here. In a few years, I’m sure this place will have 1000’s of members.

Yaaaaay!!! 100 members is defintiely something to be proud of :tada:

Agree 100%. Always has an answer for everything haha. You can be my support coordinator when you get into business Michael ahahaha. Seriously.

Here’s to 200 membersssssss!!!

I literally joined yesterday. Was I the 100th member to join by any chance?? :grin:

I actually came across Particpant and Provider Forums via a google search. SO you definitely aren’t all word of mouth anymore. The google gods are obviously noticing the content here.


So you should be!

Yeah, I feel the same way. Its crazy how these things evolve so rapidly.

I concur. It surely is.

Congratulations on hitting 100 members. I’m usually a lurker, but decided to pop my head up for this occasion.

BTW, I have reccomended people who have all signed up and love it here.

I’m not sure Emma. I’ll have to ask Farhan and get back to you on that. It would be cool to know who specifically was our 100th member.

Thankyou for popping up Chloe haha… and thankyou for the referrals.

Yeah, building momentum in the beginning is always the hardest part. We have solid foundations now though, so we should be hitting 200 members in well under 9 months.

Thats the goal. A big community that can band together to overcome any issue that people encounter in the NDIS.

I’m actually considering support coordination. I’ll reach out if I decide to take the plunge. Sometimes I don’t have an answer for something and will dig online until I find an answer.

You better believe it.