We've reached 200 members + directory talk!

Hey all!

You read correctly. We officially now have a community of 200 members on our platform.

This is a quote from the post I made when we announced that we had hit 100 members:

The first 100 took 9 months.

We managed to get our second 100 in just 4 months! (smashing our original goal of 5 months)

Like I mentioned previously:

We hope you all continue to get the support you need on our platform. We love helping you guys.

As some of you know we have commenced the creation of our NDIS directory which we’re building off the back of your feedback. Once this is built and we have NDIS providers involved, it will be just another source of knowledge and experience we have on our platform. There won’t be any promotion allowed on the platform. This will continue to be a safe space for participants. We cherish the community vibe we have going on here and will be extremely tactful with the steps we take with the introduction of NDIS providers and your directory.

Gotta love momentum! I’ve noticed that there seems to be more activity lately which is really good. Very much looking forward to exploring the directory once its complete. Lots of goings on here.

200 members! Whoop, Whoop!

Congratulations to this community for reaching 200 members.

I know this is kind of backwards and maybe not what you want to hear, but i kind of like that there aren’t lots of people. Makes it feel more relaxed and not so overwhelming. But I guess like you said, the more people the more help we can get.

Wow! That was fast. Feels like its really starting to take off here lately. I am very keen to see how the directory turns out.

So when you say “no promotion”, how does that work being that its a directory. Doesn’t that mean that they promote their services haha, or am I missing something here?

Very cool! I’m a big fan of this community and have been recommending everyone joins.

Excited for the directory. I wish it was here now. The wait times for allied heath services is just a joke.

I should have explained better. So the directory will of course be a place for promoting/advertising ndis businesses. On the forum though, we want to keep the discussions focussed and centred on value exchange. We don’t want the forum to suddenly be flooded with unwanted sales pitches. So to combat this, we will have a post signature which will contain a providers business banner and directory listing link. This way if you get good vibes from a provider or like how the conduct themselves in the forum, you have the opportunity to look further into them with their post signatures. Providers don’t need to be shoving their services in your face every 2 seconds. Instead, all they have to do is provide value on the forum and they will recieve visibility and forum based traffic to their listing.

They won’t be allowed to directly or explicity solicit you in the open forum however.

We will have a service request tool section in the forum which will be a designated area to talk about services. It will allow participants to do a search like they would on the directory, only we have an algothithm which will automatically assign 10 providers to your service request. Those provider can pitch to you in your service request thread. Its the only place on the forum which this kind of activity (talking openly about services) will be permitted. The service requests will be unlisted threads… meaning that they won’t be visible to anyone else in the open forum other than you, the invited providers and PNP staff.

Ahhh, that makes sense :slight_smile:

I’m happy that you’re going to deny the promotion of services on the forum as I feel that would drive alot of people away.

It will be good to have the input of providers to give guidance on questions we have without the usual solicitation that usually goes along with it. That’s a big plus in my eyes.

This was our fear too. We wanted to invite providers while eliminating this issue. The solution also incentivises providers to be proactive and provide as much value as they can. This was my hopes for the community that we have here. To have people driven to assist you. It also gives you a chance to get a feel for someone before reaching out to them for services too.

So, hopefully this move is a net positive for all parties involved.