Introducing myself

Hi everyone! I’m an NDIS provider and really looking forward to connecting with participants. This platform is amazing!!


Hi @Supportingtogether it’s nice to have you here. Other than a couple of other long time providers, I think you’d be one of the first here since the launch recently.

It’s nice to have some providers here to learn a thing or two from and maybe connect with for services.

What made you get into this line of work?

Hi Supporting Together… Nicole is it?? . I visited your website (through your signature), which I genuinely really liked by the way. Very clean and simple. Nothing unnecessary. Colour coordinated nicely. Good flow. :ok_hand: … not that I’m an expert haha. But just appreciate a good looking, simple site.

Welcome to the platform! :slight_smile:

I second this :slight_smile:. What’s your background?

I want to congratulate you for being one of the first providers to post on the forum with a post signature. You’ve already racked up several points with your contributions so far which will boost your rank nicely… and most importantly, the community gets to know you.

It’s completely up to you, but if you feel up to it, I highly recommend publishing an article in the Educational NDIS Articles section.

The field is wide open for you to write about anything that you think could help the participants here, as there aren’t any articles published yet (its only a newish section to the forum which was created for providers). No one’s expecting JK Rowling level material :joy:, but anything you feel would be helpful would definitely be appreciated by the community. Just a thought, no pressure of course :slight_smile: .

If you have any questions about anything or need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

We’re glad you could join us.

Welcome to our little crew here Nicole :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

If it’s not…

It is definitely cool to have some providers around here. Will be interesting to see the dynamics in coming weeks.

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Hi guys…
Thanks for the welcome everyone, it’s really nice to hear.
It is Nichole yes :smiling_face::smiling_face:
I’ve actually been a Support Worker for 16 years almost now and I love my job. I started in Complex needs and behaviours with 4 young non verbal men, which was a challenge coming from retail, but I needed a change. They were extremely reactive and we always needed a male staff as well, was always 2:1. I’ve worked with Prader Willi, Battens disease, ASD, Downs Syndrome, Mental health, dual diagnosis and many more. It’s been a great way to learn so much from the participants about flexibility, because no 2 are the same and also we all want the same thing, to be heard! My youngest son and brother both have struggled with Mental Health and substance abuse, so we have lived experience for many years and it’s one of my passions, which is why we offer Peer Support for people who may need it.
I decided to go down the Provider road because I still plan on working alongside participants but I also want to give back in other avenues as well, so that’s my plan.
Thanks for saying that about my website and signature. My whole idea was to have it simple and easy, it’s all we really need. Complicated makes things hard.
As for the story, I’m far from a JK Rowling haha :rofl::rofl: but I’m happy to give it a go for sure! :smiling_face::smiling_face:


Sixteen years is a solid run. You must have some deep insights and stories from the field. Curious to hear about the switch from complex needs support to being a provider. What sparked that change? Anyway, glad you’re here and really looking forward to your posts!

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Welcome to the community Nichole.

Hands down it is amazing!! You’ll love it here honestly. Its the most genuine helpful group of people here and I’m so grateful to have stumbled upon it. I have had so much help behind the scenes from people on this platform.

Really appreciate you sharing your story. Jumping from retail into such a challenging care role sounds intense, but you seem to have handled it with a lot of grace. It would have been a good learning experience. Lots of people with lived experience seem to gravitate towards the industry and do well.

Look forward to getting to know you more.

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Thanks Emma.
It has been an experience, and one I wouldn’t change at all. I agree with the lived experience and gravitating to this industry, it really does make sense.


Thanks Michael.
Gosh where do I start with why the change? I love my role as a DSW and I’m so glad I started in high needs and complex behaviours because it really opened my eyes to so much. A bit scary at times if I’m being honest, but glad for the insight.
I’ve decided to become a provider because I still want to work alongside participants but I also want to offer different avenues of assistance, instead of being a support worker alone. Getting outside of my comfort zone at my age is a challenge too, but one I’m really excited to take, and Port Macquarie is a beautiful part of the world to start in.


After 16 years, it seems like a logial progression. You clearly have good foundations and if you’ve been doing it for 16 years its obvioulsy something that you enjoy which is a big prerequisite. I’m sure you’ll have fun learning new skills and also being able to lean on your pre-existing skills while you do it.

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Hey Nichole welcome to PNP! Its nice to have another provider on the platform.

You got me Jake. Intrugue got the better of me. I had to check out this website that you were frothing over haha. It is a nice looking website! You weren’t just brown nosing haha. Good on you Nichole!


Haha…:rofl::rofl:… I’m glad there’s no brown nosing… :wink::laughing:
Thanks for the positive feedback on my website guys. I really did want it to read simple and smooth, not complicated at all….:clap::star2:


Bahaha… I genuinely liked it :blush:

so no brown nosing… maybe a little frothing :rofl:

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Oh Nichole. I forgot to mention.

Another provider on our platform has recently written an article like I suggested to you the other day. Maybe something from your 16 years in the industry could be helpful to our members here too.

Not only does it help members, but it also helps you to demonstrate your expertise and dedication in the community. Being that you’re one of the first of a handful of providers deciding to post on the platorm, its a good opportunity to establish a good lead in the rankings before others arrive.


Hi Jake
I’m really sorry I haven’t gotten around to it as yet but I do intend to. I’m glad someone else has been first haha because I honestly had no idea how to even start.
Thanks for the reminder :grin::grin:

You don’t have to haha. Its only a suggestion. Don’t feel pressured to do it at all. I just suggest it to all providers as its a brilliant way for participants to find you and to connect with your content.

Its just anything you feel would be helpful. You can literally write about anything. But if its not your thing, don’t stress it :slight_smile: . Its definitely not a necessity by any means!

Oh god… Now I had to look.

Yes, nice website :joy:

Tag to the next person.

Welcome Nichole haha.

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Haha, thanks Sarah, it’s always nice to hear how great the Website is. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum Nichole :smiley:

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Thankyou so much :grin::grin: