594 and getting closer

Is anyone else watching the sign ups and sort of hoping we hit 600 before the new year? Or is it just me with the numbers again? Anyone know anyone who would benefit and help us get to the new milestone?

Technically we have more than this, just some providers haven’t visited the forum and triggered the forum account to be created for them.

However, for actual numbers in the community, we should get this within the next week :slight_smile:

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I need to go make a hat for the occasion


Not yet

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A great milestone


Only 2 more to go. Great way to celebrate the end of the year on a forum.


I didn’t do todays round of marketing. It would have put us over. I will do it tomorrow though :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the platform Rafiki and thankyou :slight_smile:



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TheGrinchWeDidItGIF (2)


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Even lily is excited

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Big things on the horizon in coming months. Its good to know that we’ll have 600 members to hit the ground running with. I promise everyone here that we’re about to up our game in a MASSIVE way for providers and for participants.

Things have been a little quiet lately, however, its due to our notification system not being effective. We’re updating our platform completely to have a super effective notification system.

There will be mobile apps coming for iphone and android, and participants and support coordinators will have the ability to make job posts that give them super granular control over how to filter for their ideal provider/independant support worker. The goal here is hardcore convenience.

And for Providers, you’ll have absolutely everything you could need to grow your companies.

The community will grow much faster and have far more engagement after version 2 launch. So stay tuned. We’re working very, very hard every day and we’re closer and closer launch day.

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I can feel the excitement radiating through that photo.

Between her and my cuddly Elephant that my daughter bought me, we have a party going on.

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Next is to get to 4000 posts before new years.

Not to dampen this moment, but I thought we would of had more than this by now. Still a great achievement though. Not trying to be a downer by any means.

How are you posting gifs? I don’t see them anywhere?

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Michael, you completely forgot to tell me how amazing my cuddly elephant is!

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I think its a matter of convincing people its not one of the millions of scam/spam pages that they keep getting lured to. There are plenty of people trying to create online communities. Hard to sort out the quality ones.

I’m hoping creating a bit of an encyclopaedia of articles with great information will be more effective at having people join in faster eventually.

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Windows button + Fullstop. We don’t natively have it on the platform yet.


Well, not every provider who has created an account on the directory has signed into the forum, so, they are excluded from the count. However, if you included every member who has ever signed up to our platform including participants, participant support people and providers, it comes to 966 users.


618 providers
226 participants
95 participant support people (like nominees)
and 27 b2b users (although we decided quickly to cease b2b memberships)

And for the record, we’ve never marketed for participants or participant support people. Only providers. This will change with the launch of version 2 of our platform.