WAIT! Does that mean we should be pushing for 1000 members then?
If you’re just counting community members, then no… but if you’re counting overall users, then yes!
We clearly need more people I can talk to.
I will provide, I promise.
I love how you make hitting certain milestones fun!
I am very goal orientated, both for myself and those around me. It is part of why a lot of short term goal and allied health participants like me.
I’m close to 400 comments too.
Quality helpful comments too, not just junk.
I used to be part of a forum when I was a teenager. I used to love seeing my comments go up. It became a game of how many people I could help to push that number higher.
It was nothing compared to the 10000+ comments of some of the others who practically lived on the platform.
That is probably going to be me in retirement. Sitting in some nursing home somewhere with a little devil horns headband and cape. Wandering random forums.
sooooooo amazing
I’m new to the group but love how much you interact and provide useful information and responses. Thank you
There will be more coming. Just getting through the busy season.
She’s so good
What link for referral were you referring to to Mohcare??
I think the more members you can get the better!