Wishing you all a safe and wonderful day today

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Merry Christmas Lauren.

On behalf of everyone here, thankyou for all of your efforts. I know the guys here appreciate it equally as much as I do.

I’m thoroughly looking forward to seeing you run your own community in the next iteration of the platform.

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There will definitely be food.

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Well, it’s you, so I’m not surprised at all… What I am surprised about is that you have time to post on here in between all the Christmas cooking.

I multitask. Also, for now all the cooking and eating is done. In the process of digestion before leftover snacking time.

I can’t multitask. I focus on 1 highest priority item at a time or else nothing gets done.

My partner does that. And has to be very careful not to get caught up in side quests. The joys of ADHD.

I have ADHD too haha. Side quests are always tempting and are a killer of progress. But I realised after a while that the side quests are only enticing because the problems I’m supposed to be facing in my main quest are harder problems to solve.

Deviating means feeling good about solving easier problems. But it feels so much better to overcome the bigger problems weighing your goals down.

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Sometimes it is entertaining to hear how someone with adhd got from point C to point A by passing point K. It can make results interesting.

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Hahaha… perfectly summed up.

Amazing how us ADHDers always seem to find someone organised to latch onto. My wife is a lot like you with regards to creativity and being on the ball all the time.

I don’t know that he latched on so much. Probably more that he saw everything organised and decided I could use more chaos.

He is creative in his own ways. He does things with the 3d printers I can only dream of.

I made a resolution for next year he is interested in too so we will have to see who is better at it.

I didn’t initially latch onto my wife for her organisation haha, but it’s definitely something I’ve come to find reassuring.

My wife also has a friend with ADHD and her husband is super organised and ocd about the house being clean too, so I’ve just noticed a pattern slowly emerging.

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My partner tells people I picked him because I am an organiser who likes a challenge.