Thankyou post 😍

Hello everyone! I just wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you who have shared your knowledge and experiences with me in my recent threads. As someone new to navigating the NDIS, your insights have been incredibly valuable and reassuring. I’m learning so much and feel much more confident about managing my plan. Thanks again for your generosity and support. This his community is truly wonderful! :sparkling_heart:


Thankyou for the kind words Ava. It’s actually very satisfying to read posts like this.

Its been alot of fun watching this community grow.

On a side note, we’re in the process of putting together some videos and other materials to attract more participants to the platform. Would it be okay to use part of your comment as a review to publicly use?

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Aww… very nice.

You’re too kind Ava!

Of course you can! I’d love that.

I meant it :slight_smile:

Thankyou. Its very helpful :smiley:

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Hi Ava
This is really sweet to read and I’m so glad you have assistance with it all. It can really be overwhelming at times. :smiling_face::smiling_face:


Oh hey! Yes, definitely overwhelming. NDIS has stressed me out to the max at times and sometimes I wish I didn’t have to be on it.

I hope it’s settled a bit for you now. I’m sure there is always someone to reach out to, either on this platform or in life, which can make things that bit lighter.