Hi everyone, hope your all having a lovely Sunday. I wanted to ask if anyone had any tips for growing my business. I’m finding it difficult to get referrals or find participants without feeling like I’m being too pushy about it. For example when a potential participant and I speak and they seem unsure, I don’t push further I hate to make someone feel pressured. I’ve also had some of my participants taken by support corrdinator to other business which is completely fine because everyone has their own choice but I am feeling a little disheartened about it all.
It is a very competitive market. It is flooded with providers and the numbers of participants in certain areas is limited.
You need to do your market research for your area.
How many participants in your area are actually looking for providers, how many providers are active in the area?
What are participants in your area looking for? If you are only offering basic services, so are about 1000 providers right on your doorstep. You either need to provide specific services people are looking for or specialise in something unique to help you stand out.
You need to get involved in the community. No ones looking at web pages or flyers in reality. If you have seen one, you have seen them all. They are looking for word of mouth, services they need specifically and people they can build trust with. How many participants are you talking to each week in non work related settings? How many events are you going to? What opportunities are you creating to get to know people in the space and network so they know you exist?