Getting creative late at night

I love events as much as many of my client’s. But they can be costly to host. Sometimes getting a little creative can save a lot but still make a big impact.

Some of my favourite crafts involve taking a bunch of sale items from junk and craft shops, and just putting them together. It can be for memory boxes, wall art or like tonights attempt, table decorations.

There’s one thing I love more than making things and it’s teaching other people to make things and seeing what they come up with.


This is so cool Lauren. We’re going to lightscape in Brisbane soon and this post reminds me of that.

My wife does a lot of hosting too and people don’t realise the cost, time and effort that goes into these things, not to mention the cleanup afterwards.

I feel like you and my wife would get along.

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It can be very rewarding but definitely draining. Im sure your wife would have some great ideas to trade.

I always try to go big for less. I also have a great group of sponsors who are occasionally willing to throw in some freebies.

As long as people enjoy themselves it is worth it. Although I dont think I have ever gotten a table decoration back. People love them too much…

These ended up being $13.50 each to make with left over wine bottles.


OMG these are so pretty! They look gorgeous when lit up. They would be great for some kind of outdoor garden dinner or something.

Im going to be using them for an afternoon tea party.

Its early educators day tomorrow and my wife (Haeleigh) has put these together.

Normally she would do all of the print herself with her cricut machine, but in this instance she simply bought the cups pre-done due to being super affordable and to save some time. She simply added the names to the cups and has added all the nick knacks to it.

I’ve come to learn that the level of effort that goes into a gift really makes it extra special.

I wish I had half the creativity of Haeleigh and Lauren haha.


I absolutely love those

I’m not crafty at all, but these are pretty cute.

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