Empower and Shine Intro

Good morning everyone,

As a first-time poster for Empower and Shine Disability Services, I’m proud to represent our boutique agency that is dedicated to delivering client-centric services. We currently have availability in two SIL homes located in the Cranbourne area.

I am eager to connect with local support coordinators committed to improving their participants’ quality of life, with the aim of fostering collaboration.


Welcome to the group. You will find quite a few people here happy to connect.

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Thanks for your warm welcome Laura.

I am really looking forward to learning off everyone.

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Welcome to the group Empower and Shine :slight_smile:

Its great to have you here. We’re a community that is still growing, but the people we do have here are amazing. Full of laughs and full of helpful advice.

The platform will be changing and evolving soon to enhance the connection between professionals and participants and provide you with powerful tools to connect with your local community and to make a name for your organisation. We’re working super hard in the background to build these tools as we speak.

Don’t be afraid to dive into the conversations and start making connections now. In coming months we’re going to see more and more providers and participants attracted to the platform with the new tools that we have planned, so, contributing to the community and making a name for yourself now will help you to hit the ground running when the new version of our platform does drop.

It’s completely optional, don’t feel obliged in any way, but I always suggest to any new providers to the community that providing value upfront and allowing people to get to know you really lowers those walls and allows people to get to know you/trust you as a person and want to reach out to you for collabs from other providers or services from participants.

Maybe you have advice for participants, their networks or other providers based on your current SIL knowledge.

This would assist is establishing yourself as an authority in the industry, standing out, and showing coordinators and participants in the community that you’re someone worth working with.

Based on past questions that have been asked on the platform here continuously over the last 1.5 years, content like the following would be super helpful to participants and their families (again, this is completely optional. Please don’t feel obliged in any way. Just suggestions).

For Participants:

  1. What is Supported Independent Living (SIL) and How Can It Help You?
  • Explain the purpose of SIL, what it covers, and how participants can benefit from the supports it offers in building independence.
  • Break down the difference between SIL and other types of support, like SDA (Specialist Disability Accommodation).
  1. Steps to Apply for SIL Funding Through the NDIS
  • Provide a step-by-step guide to applying for SIL in an NDIS plan, including tips on preparing documentation and working with an NDIS planner.
  1. How SIL Supports Your Independence at Home
  • Highlight the day-to-day tasks that SIL providers can assist with, such as personal care, cooking, household management, and social skills, helping participants understand the scope of support available.
  1. Choosing the Right SIL Provider: Key Questions to Ask
  • Offer advice on what to look for when choosing a SIL provider, including tips on asking the right questions, checking qualifications, and ensuring the provider aligns with their individual needs.
  1. Building a Good Relationship with Your SIL Support Workers
  • Provide tips for participants on fostering positive relationships with their SIL support team, including communication strategies, setting expectations and giving feedback.

(@lauren has a great article about having difficult conversations with support workers Get on the ROAD: Navigating difficult conversations with your support worker - #20 by Lauren).

  1. Managing Conflict in Shared Living Environments: Practical Tips
  • Address common challenges participants might face in shared SIL accommodation and provide practical advice for resolving conflicts or disagreements with housemates or staff.
  1. How to Make the Most of Your SIL Support: Setting Personal Goals
  • Encourage participants to use their SIL services to achieve personal goals such as developing life skills, improving social connections, and increasing independence.
  1. Daily Living in SIL: Routines and Personal Development
  • Discuss the importance of creating a structured routine and how SIL support can help participants develop life skills like budgeting, cooking, and personal care.

For Families and Support Networks:

  1. How to Support a Loved One in SIL
  • Provide guidance for family members on how they can remain involved in their loved one’s life while respecting their growing independence through SIL support.
  1. Understanding the Role of SIL in NDIS Plans: What Families Should Know
  • Break down how SIL fits into the broader scope of NDIS supports, and how families can work with providers to ensure the best outcomes for participants.
  1. Transitioning into SIL: Helping Your Family Member Adjust
  • Offer advice to families on helping their loved one adjust to the transition to SIL living, addressing both practical and emotional aspects of the change.
  1. Ensuring Quality of Care: What to Look for in a SIL Provider
  • Help families understand the benchmarks of high-quality care, including staff qualifications, communication practices, and a person-centered approach.

Oh and don’t forget to create your post signature so that people can click through to your directory listing from the forum here. This video walks you through the process step by step:

Just as a reference point, this is Laurens Post signature, just so you know what I’m talking about if you weren’t aware:

Let us know if you need any assistance with anything. We’re all here to assist :slight_smile:

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Thankyou so much, that was really helpful information.
I hope to get alot out of the group.