Today i have guests coming over to celebrate my birthday and the long weekend. I decided to panko crumb 2 full chickens and roast them to be cool. I have already been asked twice why there are teddy bears cooking in the oven.
So many women seem to treat cooking like it’s beneath them. As if doing will diminishes their personal identity.
Haeleigh (my wife) does all the cooking and she loves baking too. If I had more time, I’d love to get really good at cooking and contribute more in this regard, but there’s only so much you can fit into a day. I usually try to ensure I clean up after Haeleigh cooks so that its not all on her shoulders.
She cooks in batches so that we have several weeks of meals in take away containers in the freezer. Makes it easy to stay in good eating habits and its simply more efficient. There’s only one lot of cleaning, one lot of cooking and getting all the pots and pans out.
You and her are both into crafts, baking, and cooking good food.
Cooking isnt for everyone. It is definitely an art and not everyone has time or energy for arty things. I find it has to be something people enjoy. I cook as a hobby as well as a need. Im betting its similar for your wife.